First Ladies: Mary Todd Lincoln

posted in: First Ladies, First Lady | 0

Mary Todd Lincoln was the first First Lady to have her husband assassinated. She’d watched her husband age with the progression of the Civil War. Mary Lincoln suffered much loss and tragedy in her life. Mary Ann Todd was born … Continued

Presidents: Abraham Lincoln

posted in: Presidents | 0

Abraham Lincoln is one of our best known Presidents. He had the awesome task of leading the nation through the American Civil War. He was also the first president to be assassinated. Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty on February … Continued

Breaking Brick Walls with the Use of DNA

posted in: DNA, Genealogy | 0

I have a great-great grandfather who was born illegitimately in 1855. We know his birth surname was Mims from early census records, but by adulthood he had adopted the surname of his maternal grandparents that raised him. Repeated searches in … Continued

First Ladies: Harriet Lane

posted in: First Ladies, First Lady | 0

Harriet Lane was the niece of bachelor President James Buchanan. She would serve as his First Lady during his presidency. Harriet Rebecca Lane was born on May 9, 1830 in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Elliott Tole … Continued