Facts about life in 1912 and 2012

posted in: 1912 | 4

I found some facts about 1910-1920 that are very interesting. They give us a look back to what life was like 100 years ago. FACTS about 1910-1920 • Population: 92,407,000 • Life Expectancy: Male 48.4 Female: 51.8 • Average Salary … Continued

What did they use for Toilet Paper in 1912

posted in: 1912 | 2

We recently talked about answering the call of nature a century ago. However, there was much more to tending to these grooming habits than just going. Let’s take a quick look: 1. Toilet paper as we know it today did … Continued

Answering the Call of Nature in 1912

posted in: 1912 | 0

We’re spoiled today. We’re use to indoor plumbing. If the bathroom is not to our liking, we complain and wait until we find the next one. In 1912, indoor plumbing was almost completely unheard of. So how did they take … Continued

Transportation in 1912

posted in: 1912 | 1

Today, it is easy to get in our cars and go wherever we want. Depending on traffic and our destination we can often be there within minutes to hours. A century ago only the very rich had a vehicle. If … Continued