When Ancestors Share Same Name

Question:  How Can I Tell Which Person I Am Researching When My Ancestors All Have the Same Name? This is a hard one! When you have John Williams {1790-1830}; John Williams {1815-1875}; John J.  Williams {1828-1903} and John R.  Williams … Continued

3 Reasons to Save Your Family History off of Ancestry.com

I love Ancestry.com and they offer many wonderful services.  One of these services is to upload your family tree and attach records to that tree. This makes it very easy and convenient.  However, there are some reasons to save your … Continued

5 Questions to Consider when Exploring other Researchers Family Trees

If you use Ancestry.com you know that you have the option of exploring other researcher’s trees. There are times when these trees can be a gold mine, but other times when they can be a mine trap. However, there is … Continued