Genealogy Friday: 5 Ways to Scrapbook family history

Scrapbooking is a popular past time and hobby for many people today. Have you thought about scrapbooking your family history? With scrapbooking you can have fun and explore various ideas. You can even upload your scrapbook and have copies published … Continued

Genealogy Friday: 8 Tips to Finding an Illegitimate ancestor’s parentage

Somewhere along the lines you may find that you have an illegitimate ancestor or two.  What does this mean? This means that your ancestor was born outside of wedlock.  Often, this means the parents did not marry one another. So … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Finding Land Records

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Have you wondered where an ancestor lived but had trouble finding them? Recently, I heard a great piece of advice when reading a biography.  To find the person they were searching for the researchers began with the census records.  Using … Continued

Genealogy Friday: The Dash Matters

posted in: Genealogy | 0

In genealogy we often see dates written as 1865-1932 or May 5, 1865-June 3, 1932. As genealogists we often focus on the two dates that are provided, the birth and death date {or year} for our ancestor. However, what about … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Gems in Old Letters

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I often wish I could time travel and talk with my great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents and other ancestors. The closest resource I have to know more about my ancestors are through old letters.  Unfortunately, I only have a few of these. However, … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Check the Family Bible

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             One great place to check for clues to your ancestry is in the family Bible.  Many Bibles have an ancestry chart in the front. Check to see if your parents or grandparents have filled … Continued