Genealogy Friday: Am I Related to Famous People?


My interest in family history began at the age of twelve.  A distant relative was doing the family history on one of our lines and determined we were related to Davy Crockett.  {His 2nd wife, Elizabeth Patton Crockett, was the sister to my 4x-Great-Grandfather, George Patton}.

From that point on I was interested in my family roots and heritage.  Several years later, I began researching my other family lines.

David "Davy" Crockett
David “Davy” Crockett


So what do you do if you’re related to a famous person?

  1. Learn all you can of his/her life—both the good and bad
  2. Know the facts
  3. Decide to either embrace the fact or distant yourself
  4. Realize that you can’t force a family connection if there isn’t one {for instance you really want to be related to George Washington. He had no children.  You can’t make yourself a descendant.}
  5. Understand that more than likely you’re not the only person related to this person.
  6. Learn from the person and the lessons s/he left
  7. Don’t lie about the relationship
  8. Determine how s/he affected the lives of your direct ancestors and others in the family
  9. Be proud of your heritage

What famous people are you related to?

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