7 Ways to Write your own story for future prosperity

Do you wish an ancestor had left behind journals, a diary or their autobiography? There are many ancestors I wish had done just that, but they did not. We cannot change the past, but we can change the present. We … Continued

When Our Research Interlaces with History

posted in: Family History, Genealogy | 0

A while back I shared a review of the book, His Other Life.  The author, set out to determine her father’s connection to Tennessee Williams. Our ancestors were not solitary figures.  They had hopes, dreams and friendships of their own. … Continued

Genealogy Research Leads to Discovery of Self

posted in: Family History, Genealogy | 0

My journey into genealogy began at a very difficult time in my life.  I was going through a divorce. I had heard rumors about our relationship with David Crockett and a variety of other family stories all of my young, … Continued