5 Examples of Random Acts of Genealogy Kindness

RAOGK or Random Acts of Genealogy Kindness is very important in helping to break through brick walls.  Working together as a community we can often break through these obstacles. So I wanted to share some examples of RAOGK that I … Continued

Why We Should Beware of Tracing Our Line Back to Adam and Eve

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I have seen the statement “I can trace my line back to Adam and Eve” more times than I care to admit.  Or, someone will say “I can trace my line back to Noah and from there it’s easy to … Continued

Am I Related to Royalty?

Last week we discussed discovering our relationship to the Presidents of the United States.   Research has proven that all the Presidents are related to one another and share a common ancestor in Eleanor of Aquitaine, with the majority of the … Continued

Am I related to a President?

Today we inaugurate a new president.  So, this seemed a good time to discuss our familial relationships with a President of the United States. So, how can we determine if there might be a connection with one of our forty-five … Continued

7 Ways Visiting a Museum Can Benefit Your Genealogy Research

Recently I took a group of residents in my day job to the Historical Museum in our city.  Having only lived here for a year, there is a lot I don’t know about the city. However, I realized how helpful … Continued

What is a 3rd Cousin 5x Removed

I recently had someone ask me this very question.  What does a 3rd cousin 5x removed mean? This is a very common question in genealogy. So lets see if we can break it down.  How do we understand genealogy relationships? … Continued

Sharing old Photos

Recently I stumbled across a family sifting through old photographs. Observing this family, I observed several things: There were smiles on all of their faces The lines of communication were open I heard ”I remember…” Memories were shared Photos were … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Creating a Timeline for a Major Event

I’ve shared in the past about creating a timeline and mapping ancestors.  But, what if you need to go a step further? What if you’re like me and need to figure out when a specific event occurred? Below is a … Continued