Am I related to a President?

Today we inaugurate a new president.  So, this seemed a good time to discuss our familial relationships with a President of the United States. So, how can we determine if there might be a connection with one of our forty-five … Continued

7 Ways Visiting a Museum Can Benefit Your Genealogy Research

Recently I took a group of residents in my day job to the Historical Museum in our city.  Having only lived here for a year, there is a lot I don’t know about the city. However, I realized how helpful … Continued

What is a 3rd Cousin 5x Removed

I recently had someone ask me this very question.  What does a 3rd cousin 5x removed mean? This is a very common question in genealogy. So lets see if we can break it down.  How do we understand genealogy relationships? … Continued

Searching for a business in past records

Recently, I was visiting with a friend who owns a well-established music store.  However, she was excited by a find she’d made earlier in the day.  She discovered a piece of music stamped with a music store in that area … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Obituaries can Unlock the Past

I shared with you over the last few weeks how I’ve broken through one of my brick walls. While traveling to another part of the state, I stopped to retrieve an obituary I needed.  Was this truly my great-great grandfather? … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Finding Common Sounding Names

While breaking through this brick wall I currently had a conversation with several other genealogists. We all agreed that when we have a common name such as Mary Smith, John Davis, etc.  Then it is almost impossible to find the … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Searching the Meaning of Unique Names

I told you last week about how I discovered my ancestor, Ariovistus.   He had such a unique name that I wondered what it meant. I knew this wasn’t a family name so where did it come from. I decided to … Continued