Genealogy Friday: 5 Artistic Forms of Story Telling

I’ve shared points on turning family history into a children’s story or novel in a writing form.

However, what if you’re not a writer?  Maybe you’re an artist?

There are numerous other ways to tell family history stories.

There are numerous ways to tell the story. Drawing the story or person is just one way.
There are numerous ways to tell the story. Drawing the story or person is just one way.
  1. Artist—can draw the story. For example, a story of hiding out in a cave and attempting to stay warm while a blizzard falls outside.  This would be a very visual story to draw or paint. This can be anything from a portrait to a picture depicting a story to a scene of an area is significant.
  2. Dance—dancers are storytellers {look at Swan Lake or The Nutcracker}. Telling a story of fleeing from a dramatic experience through dance is an idea.
  3. Drama—this has numerous possibilities from one historical re-enactor to a whole ensemble piece. A number of stories in a variety of ways can be told.
  4. Music—the story can be sung or music can be used to heighten the moments of action. Think of the ways everything from opera to country music is used to tell a story.
  5. Crafts—there are numerous crafting ideas for quilting to scrapbooking to learning a new skill {such as soap or candle making} to needlepoint to woodworking or glass etching to jewelry making and so forth. Each of these can be used in a unique and interesting way to share your family history with your loved ones.

What are some artistic ways you can tell your family history story?

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