October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to help bring awareness to the seriousness and possible severity of breast cancer.
Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women.
Breast cancer ranks second as a cause of death in women, after lung cancer.
Approximately 232, 000 women and 2,350 men are diagnoses with breast cancer each year, with 40,000 women and 500 men die from the disease each year.
Conducting a monthly breast self-exam is essential in detecting breast cancer early. Also receiving a yearly mammogram in women over 40 or with a history of breast cancer is prudent in early detection.
The earlier the cancer is detected and treated, the higher the possibility of continuing to have a high quality of life.
Some ways in which to reduce the risk of breast cancer are to maintain a
healthy weight, not to smoke, to stay physically
active, to limit alcohol consumption and to eat the daily recommendation in
fruits and vegetables.
Of course, it is always essential to check with your doctor for any medicines or nutritional changes you may be making to your life.
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