Enjoying Life and the Arts in 1912

posted in: 1912, Music | 1

Have you ever thought about what life was like 100 years ago? Life has changed considerably in the last 100 years! Today we have numerous forms of entertainment from television, radio, internet, MP3 players, Wii’s, Blackberry’s, Kindles, and a number of other gadgets that keep us entertained.
A hundred years ago none of these items even existed. Image if you went back in time to 1912. What would you do for fun?


Alexander's Ragtime Band was written by Irving Berlin and became a popular Tin Alley Song
Alexander’s Ragtime Band was written by Irving Berlin and became a popular Tin Alley Song

Music—today we can turn the radio on and have a number of stations playing a large variety of music. In 1912 if you wanted to hear music it was usually live. You could hear a band that might be in your area, your sister that played the piano or player pianos which were popular at the time. Sheet music was very popular and the way to get a song into the hands of the general public. Irving Berlin’s Alexander’s Ragtime Band was popular and made him a household name. Other songs of the time were In the Garden, When Irish Eyes Were Smiling, Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee, and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary.


Books—books were very popular but they were not as easily available as they are today. Arthur Conan Doyle {author of the Sherlock Holmes series} was a popular author of that day. Several popular books that were published in 1912 are Daddy Long Legs {later made into a movie with Fred Astaire}, Tarzan of the Apes, Chronicles of Avonlea, Robin Hood, and The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Movies—movies did not exist as we know them today. They were considerably shorter usually lasting in length 15-20 minutes {although some were

George Melies
George Melies

longer}. This was in the days before sound and if music was put to the film it was because the theatre paid a musician to play the piano as the reel played. The film industry was growing and exploring during this time. George Melies was just one popular actor of that age. The film Hugo chronicles his success and failures during this time. A couple of movies in 1912 showing were The Knight of the Snows, The Glass Slipper, and The Ghost of Sulpher Mountain.

Ragtime dancing was a popular past time
Ragtime dancing was a popular past time

Dances—dances were very popular and it was a great way to see your friends. Music was provided by local musicians that would entertain the group.


Church Gatherings—churches would hold socials or gatherings. Many churches during this time did not approve of dancing {I’ve seen church records where members were kicked out for dancing}. They may have had a potluck meal, storyteller to regale them, music from local entertainers or possibly a hayride in the fall.



Games—they did not have Nintendo or even all the board games we have today. Games then might include a game of horseshoes, marbles, checkers, jacks or chess.

Church socials were a popular way to get together for fellowship
Church socials were a popular way to get together for fellowship
Checkers were and still are a popular game of the day
Checkers were and still are a popular game of the day

These are just some of the ways that people spent their spare time a hundred years ago. Many worked hard on the farms or in the mill and had little time for extracurricular pursuits. While our society has technically advanced in the last hundred years, many of their pursuits are not that different from how we spend our time today.

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