December is the twelfth and last month on the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. It is also the seventh and last month to have 31 days.
The word originates from the Latin word decem, which means ten. December was the tenth month until the Romans changed their calendar and added January and February, pushing it to the 12th month.
The Anglo-Saxons referred to December as “Yule month”.
December contains the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the fewest daylight hours. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the summer solstice and most daylight hours.
Those born until December 21 are Sagittarius and those born on December 22 or later are Capricorn.
The birthstones are the turquoise, zircon, and tanzanite and the birth flower is the narcissus.
In the U.S., National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is held on Dec. 7th.
The best known event in December is Christmas day on December 25th, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The entire season and month of December is full of Christmas cheer and spirit leading up to this event.
In the U.K., Dec. 26th is known as Boxing Day and also a national holiday.
The month ends with the ringing in of not only a new month, but also a new year at midnight on December 31st, New Year’s Eve.
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