Genealogy Friday: Interviews Can Lead to More Information in Family History

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Now that you’ve written out everything you know and gone through your pictures, interview older family members to begin piecing together the missing pieces.  Make a list of questions to ask and allow these older members to help you fill in the blanks.

oral interviewYou can interview grandparents, parents, older siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins or other relatives.  Even if you find a cousin living that is two or three generations removed, s/he may be a great asset in uncovering more information on that side of the family.

When I began some of my grandparents were still alive and put me in touch with their first and second cousins.  Not only was this a genealogical goldmine in information but I also forged friendships that have lasted for decades.

What have you discovered through family interviews?


For more information about interviews, check out my E-Book



Interviews Can Lead to More Information in Family History

What are the benefits of a family history interview?

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