Researching People with your relatives on the Census Records

In searching for my great-great-grandfather I hit a stump.

Research neighbors and boarders

I found him at ten years old on the 1870 census, living with a woman who was 72 years old.  However, no relationship or additional information was provided.

I was stumped.  I had no additional information on him and didn’t even know who his parents were.  This woman was clearly not his mother.  Was it his grandmother?  That seemed the most logical conclusion.

I finally found him, but he was living with a woman who was old enough to be his grandmother.   However, I had no idea if the two were related or not.

So, I began to search for information on the woman listed on the census records.

After searching additional census records, city directories and probate records, I was able to determine that the woman was indeed his grandmother.  Right beside them was living a married sister.

When I initially looked at the census record, I had no idea if he was related to the people around him or not.  Both the grandmother and sister had different last names that I had to investigate.

But, by researching the others I was able to determine the relationship and connection my great-great grandfather had with the people he was living with in 1870.

If I had not researched these other people listed, I would have never discovered an additional bonus discovery in who his parents were.

By going a different direction and thinking outside of the box, I was able to break through a brick wall.

I don’t know why this relative was not living with his parents at this time on the census, but then again I can’t find them anywhere on the census records.

Next week, I’ll give you my theory on what may have happened in that situation.

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