First Ladies: Abigail Powers Fillmore

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Abigail Powers Fillmore was a teacher to her husband, before the two married. Abigail Powers was born on March 13, 1798 in Stillwater, New York. She was the daughter of Rev. Lemuel and Abigail Newland Powers. Shortly after Abigail’s death, … Continued

First Ladies: Abigail Adams

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Abigail Smith was born on November 22, 1744 in Weymouth, Massachusetts to William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy Smith. Although she received no formal education, her mother taught her and her sisters to read and write and she had access to … Continued

First Ladies: Martha Washington

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Martha Dandridge was born on June 2, 1731 to John and Frances Jones Dandridge. At the age of eighteen, she married Daniel Parke Custis, on May 15, 1750.  He was a rich planter, two decades older than his young bride.  … Continued