Ways to Stay in Touch After the Reunion

Facebook Page—I have a Facebook page for one of the families that I hold the reunion.  On here we are able to keep in touch and

McKee Family Website
McKee Family Website

share information.

Website—I also have a website for this family with all of the family history and current pictures from the latest reunion.

Family Newsletter—in the past I ran a family newsletter on a monthly basis {you could also do this quarterly}, where we shared births, deaths, marriages, graduations and other news of interest.  I usually profiled one of our ancestor’s in each newsletter to provide more information and history.

Flickr—we used Flickr one year to share pictures of the last family reunion with everyone.  Another idea is to create a digital family scrapbook.

Letters/Postcards—this is a great idea for the elders in the family that may not have internet access.  Taking a moment to write a quick note to say “thinking of you” means a lot to the elderly.cemetery cleanup

Family History Blog—keep a blog of family activities, relate the latest family news and provide family history.

Family Cleanup—determine a time for everyone to meet to clean up a family cemetery or family home.  With numerous helping hands, the project could be completed in record time.

Family Project—work together to create a family quilt {or whatever else you think of}.  Each family could contribute certain patches {whether it is pictures, patches from clothing, knitted patches, etc.}



Ways to Stay in Touch After the Reunion

Connecting with Family Members

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