Genealogy Friday: Writing Family History Stories for children

We’ve discussed turning a family story into an artistic piece of writing.

However, what about children’s stories?

I’ve uncovered some family legends and histories that I thought would make great children’s story.

Write a story the children will enjoy and that teaches them a lesson
Write a story the children will enjoy and that teaches them a lesson

So how do I determine if it is appropriate for children?

  • They had a great lesson or point to teach.
  • The story was short and could be told in a few hundred words.
  • The story was interesting enough for children.
  • The story could be expanded into a teaching tool.
  • You can imagine the pictures or graphics that accompany the story.

To write a strong story, take some writing classes and join a critique group to learn the basics.

  • However, briefly let me remind you:
  • Grab the reader’s interest from the very beginning
  • Don’t let the middle of the story sag or become to weighted down
  • End on a strong note

Again, learning the art of writing is a big help in writing these stories.

How can you bring the past to life through children’s writing?


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