History of Christmas Recipes: Fruitcake

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Fruitcake has had many jokes made about it over the years and become a highly ridiculed Christmas dessert, especially in the United States “The earliest recipe from ancient Rome lists pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, and raisins that were mixed into … Continued

Genealogy Friday: 5 Things to Consider in Creating a New Holiday Custom

The holidays are upon us and the spirit of the season.  However, after the true reason for the season {the birth of Christ,} come the most important part of the season.  Spending time with family. Each family has their own … Continued

Traditions of Christmas: Christmas Lights

posted in: Christmas, Holidays | 0

The idea and shape and form of Christmas lights have greatly transformed themselves since their inception in the 17th Century. In 17th Century Germany, the idea of decorating a Christmas tree with lights began in which small candles were attached … Continued

Traditions of Christmas: Christmas colors

posted in: Christmas, Holidays | 0

We all know that red and green are the traditional colors to represent Christmas, but how did these colors become the symbols of the most wonderful time of year? The colors of red and green were chosen from nature.  When … Continued