Last week, I shared how to chart a move. This week, I want to share how to chart where an ancestor lived.
Actually, my residents in the nursing home where I work and I recently did this very activity.
Depending on how much your ancestor moved and how far, print off maps of one {or all} of the following:
- City map
- State map
- Country map
Plot a space on the map of where your ancestor first lived and then draw a line to the next place where they lived.
This could also be done with a push pin and string.
This can be a fun and exciting activity, but it also provides a visual of where your ancestor moved.
You can also provide dates of when the ancestor lived in that location or if you have a picture of the house, a picture.
If the ancestor moved a good bit, you may want to create a timeline either in excel or on poster board.
Have you ever charted where your ancestors lived?
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