5 Things to keep in mind for a destination family reunion

Are you interested in having a destination family reunion?  There are many families that enjoy these get away.  This is allows for more time to catch up and a fun vacation in the process.

However, as you begin planning for the fun fill reunion there are some things to keep in mind.

Destination reunions are great but there is a lot to take into consideration
  1. Do you have enough family members that are interest—survey the family {especially if this is the first one} and inquire who would be interested and in what type of destination they are interested in
  2. Is this affordable for all attendees—this is another question to provide on the questionnaire. Determine what budget everyone can afford.
  3. What activities will be offered throughout the family reunion—there should be activities for just the family, but if you are on a cruise or at a theme park you may want to consider designating independent time also.
  4. Have a committee of helpers—planning a huge reunion is a task that is too much for just one individual. Put together a committee of individuals that will help you with items such as activities, food, accommodations and reservations, finances, products to be sold, assistance with correspondence and a welcome committee.
  5. Ways to bond and connect the family—think of activities and ways in which to connect the family and provide opportunities for them to get to know one another, catch up and bond.

What lessons have you learned from a destination family reunion?

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