Before the Mayflower: The Scrooby Congregation

posted in: Mayflower Voyage, Pilgrims | 0

The Scrooby Separatist Church was established by William Brewster at the Scrooby Manor House in around 1606. To avoid arrest the meetings were held in secret. The principle members of the congregation were Richard Clyfton, John Robinson and William Brewster.  … Continued

Before the Mayflower: Origins of Conflict

posted in: Mayflower Voyage, Pilgrims | 0

We think about the Pilgrims and their voyage on the Mayflower.  But what was their life like before that voyage? The core group of the Pilgrims originated from Scrooby, England.  This group held Separatist beliefs not conforming with the Church … Continued

Searching for a business in past records

Recently, I was visiting with a friend who owns a well-established music store.  However, she was excited by a find she’d made earlier in the day.  She discovered a piece of music stamped with a music store in that area … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Don’t Give up on Those Brick Walls

We all have brick walls we want to break through.   Some seem nearly impossible to break through. I had one just like that.   For 25 years I looked for the parents of my GG-Grandfather. All I had to go on … Continued

Happy 4th of July

posted in: Holidays, Patriotic | 0

The 4th of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence.  The signing of this document declared the British colonies a new nation and affirmed our independence from the British Empire. The area that … Continued

Genealogy Friday: 9 Reasons to Check Out Printed Family Histories

Printed family histories are a great place to start when you’re stuck. Many families have printed their family histories over the years.  Some provide more detail and sources than others. However, these can be a great resource. They may even … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Pros and Cons of DNA

Last week, I shared the story of how DNA had proven that President Harding did indeed have a love child. DNA has revolutionized our world in the last decade.  Criminals are able to prove either their innocence or guilt with … Continued