Genealogy Friday: 9 Reasons to Check Out Printed Family Histories

Printed family histories are a great place to start when you’re stuck.

Many families have printed their family histories over the years.  Some provide more detail and sources than others.

However, these can be a great resource. They may even help you to break a brick wall.

So why use printed family histories:51rgmhJO6uL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_

  1. Family stories you may have never heard before
  2. For cluster genealogy
  3. To find missing relatives
  4. To go back farther in your line
  5. To discover what other researchers have done. Double check their sources, but this can save you a lot of time.
  6. To discover sources you never knew were available
  7. For family pictures you’ve never seen
  8. To discover the history of the family or clan
  9. To connect with other researchers on this line

How have printed family histories helped your genealogical journey?

Click here for my articles on the Positives and Negatives of Printed Family Histories

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