Presidential Hostess: Sarah Yorke Jackson

posted in: First Ladies, First Lady | 0

Sarah York Jackson also served as hostess for President Andrew Jackson, whose wife Rachel Jackson died before he took office. She served after Emily Donelson either became unable to serve or refused to continue serving. Eventually the two women would … Continued

Presidents: John Quincy Adams

posted in: Presidents | 0

John Quincy Adams held the distinction for the next 175 years of being not only President of the United States, but the son of a President. George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are now the other father-son duo to … Continued

Am I related to a President?

Today we inaugurate a new president.  So, this seemed a good time to discuss our familial relationships with a President of the United States. So, how can we determine if there might be a connection with one of our forty-five … Continued

Celebrate the History of Thanksgiving

posted in: Holidays, Thanksgiving | 0

  Thanksgiving is upon us!  However, many of our ancestors did not celebrate the modern Thanksgiving we know today. Yes, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.  Not until George Washington was President, was another Thanksgiving celebrated … Continued

Genealogy Friday: Genealogy Gift Ideas for Children

posted in: Children, Gifts, Holidays | 0

Create a placemat of your family tree.  You can go back to grandparents or great-grandparents.  Use pictures for each family member.  On the back, createacollage of favorite family pictures with various family members. Decorate a doll in the dress of … Continued

Children’s Toys in 1924

  We’ve been discussing life in 1924. We all know that as children we had our favorite toys.  So what toys did children of the 1920s play with?  What were some of the games they enjoyed at that time? Vintage … Continued

First Class Life on the Titanic

posted in: 1912, Titanic | 4

The first class passengers on the Titanic were living in the lap of luxury. Some of the richest people in the world were traveling on the Titanic for her maiden voyage. This included prominent members of the upper-class that included … Continued