Genealogy Friday: You Never Know Whom You Will Meet

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When researching family history you never know whom you will meet, or where you will meet them.

Recently I was in the library scanning through various reels of newspaper microfilm.  I looked over at the screen of the woman researching next to me and discovered she’d pulled up a name that was very familiar to me.GENEALOGY QUOTE 12

I quickly asked her about the connection, and discovered she was the great-great-granddaughter of this individual.  I quickly informed her that the woman was the sister to my great-great-grandfather.

Hence, we shared a 3x great grandparents.   I was so excited to meet a new family member I had never met before.

We exchanged contact information and began to share information we each had on the family, to make our files more complete.

This isn’t the first time I’ve met distant family researching lines.  I’ve also had this happen in cemeteries, at church and at courthouses.

You never know when or where you may discover a connection with the researcher sitting next to you.

I’ve heard of some researchers that have business cards with all of the lines being researched or even posted the information on their laptops.

How have you met fellow researchers of the same line{s}?

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